Sunday, October 10, 2010


I knew Miss Creative was making a stupid mistake.  Ordering three appliances in one day, I mean.  Today I found out that she ended up cancelling the washer and dryer.  Too bad she didn't listen to me in the first place.  Could have saved herself a lot of trouble.  
I tried to tell her, of course.  Hook up a brand-new dryer and washer outdoors?  RIDICULOUS.  But when does Miss Creative ever listen to ME?  (Actually it seems that a lot of people here DO put their washers and dryers outdoors.  But that's beside the point.)  So now there's no washer and dryer at all.  Not that I care.  never use a washer and dryer.  A complete waste.  Totally unnecessary.  Just fly around in a rainstorm.  (Wearing your clothes, of course.)  Then do wing flaps and bough jumps until dry.  Although...that might not work for Miss Creative...