Miss Creative of course did not bother to tell me this was going to happen. (Or even ask me if I cared.) But it did. TODAY. And what happened? The destruction of my house. Thanks to the OMNI-PROFICIENT ONE. Or actually thanks to insensitive, thoughtless, stupid Miss Creative (oops---I forgot this was a public blog) So---thanks to just plain Miss Creative, who hired the OPO to do it. I went outside to watch. At first. But it was too...stressful? (And maybe too...exciting? If a newer, better house should replace it?)
So I watched from inside. Through the kitchen window.
First the roof...then the walls...
...now the floor...
...and then...
...nothing left at all. Except a big colony of black widow spiders. Living right underneath MY HOUSE (see how convenient it would have been?). In that grassy area you see. I plan to...um...visit them...later on. I've had a craving lately for...well, for candy. (And if you don't know what I mean by all that...well, check out my blog "ALARMS". I don't want to have to explain it all over again.) Maybe that will somehow take my mind off the whole HOUSE PROBLEM...
Oh, Bessie, hold onto your bonnet. Looks like some big change a comin'.