Wednesday, October 6, 2010


A short time ago I just happened to peek into Miss Creative's studio.  And what did I see?  THIS:
Now you know what happens when you first organize your entire studio; and then go out and buy three (3) appliances (a washer, a dryer, and a stove).  All in the same day.  Me?  I spent my time much more sensibly.  As follows:  Sunbathing.  Watching (through the window---didn't go out into the heat---a bit too much, even for me) the OMNI-PROFICIENT-ONE as he weed-whacked the yard.  Nibbling on tasty snacks.  Now I'm off to bed.  Miss Creative, on the other wing, still has to wash the dishes and clean up the living room.  Bad planning on her part, I say.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear. This looks like a very bad dream I had last night. I hope you brought Miss Creative a cup of tea with honey to revive her!
